Sunday, April 19, 2009

19.) Doppler radar

Doppler radar:

An actual doppler radar is seen here for
farmers and land managers to benefit from. Now improved weather and climate predictions generated by a new state-of-the-art radar in Bairnsdale. The new radar is more precise, more sensitive to changes in the weather and has better resolution than the obsolete East Sale radar. For the first time, the local radar will be used solely for radar watch, meaning the images will be available 24 hours a day, without interruption.

Now, this is a doppler radar image. Which is a Doppler radar that hinges on the fact that frequency emissions varies if either the object transmitting the signal or the object receiving the signal moves relative to the other. Incidentally the word Doppler comes from the name Johann Christian Doppler, who was the Austrian mathematician who developed the theory that an observer's perception of frequency emissions varied with the relative motion between the source of the transmission and the receiver. He demonstrated this "Doppler effect". Doppler radar equipment is capable of detecting target motion due to this Doppler effect, which helps with the identification of supercell thunderstorms.

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